Tuesday, October 9, 2007

A Favorite Site

I am going to attempt to create a link of one of my favorite sites of all times, Down in the Zero.
Andrew Vachss (pronounced vax) is the owner of the site.

I recommend this site for those people like myself who hate child predaters and for those people like myself who love dogs.

RESOURCES at THE ZERO : The Official Website of Andrew Vachss

Go to RESOURCE section!

Monday, October 1, 2007


A lot of things that were mysteries to me aren't anymore. Things like YouTube, Podcasts, RSS feeds,creating a blog,etc. I enjoyed it especially the blogging. I've been reading blogs for some years but have never responded to any before responding to my fellow workers through the 23 things. I am,I have discovered, a "lurker, a term I only discovered lately.
I am going to try to not be as much of a lurker,loathsome word, and maybe comment on Neil Gaimans site;I mean I have met him once and I do like his books. Or maybe I will comment on Marly Youmans blog. I haven't met her but I have read all her books and enjoyed them. my favorites are filled with sites and blogs that I enjoy, maybe they would enjoy mine...

I have incorporated The 23 Things into my homeschooling curriculum.

Bloggers times are off always showing me blogging at 2:am and such. I am reading or sleeping at 2:am and in my bed not on a computer. Has anyone else been accused of blogging at a wild time of night? I mean at times I am up at 3:am but I'm certainly not blogging at that hour altho' I might be doing anything else.

If we did something like this again I would go for it.

It was real.

Thing 22 II

Project Gutenberg was recommended to me several year ago by lindabeekeeper when I was looking for an essay written by Thomas Paine on taxes. I fell in love with the site at once since it had all sorts of primary sources from antiquity.(History is my favorite subject!). Linda immediately became my personal librarian, at least in my mind, and I proceeded to print this and that from the site.

Even tho' I love Project Gutenberg I never plan on using audio books for anything. I hate the very idea of listening to books and whenI have listened to them I have to sit still and listen; I can't be doing other things while I listen, I must just listen.
So no audio books for me unless,God forbid, I lose my sight. Then Project Gutenberg will be for me and I will scour the earth for the kinds of audiobooks that I like because that's what I do now for the kind of old school books that I like.

All of this is not to say that other people shouldn't want and like to listen to recorded books. My mother loves them and I've recommended many authors to her. My mother doesn't want to be computer savvy so online audio books are not for her,but now that I know that Project Gutenberg and NetOverdrive have recorded books available I will certainly let the patrons know who already do talking books and maybe there'll be converts...


I found my blog about podcasting but not the draft for thing 22. It's ok tho' ,I'll live.


I blogged 30 minutes ago about podcasting but it hasn't shown up on my posts page, so I'm doing another. To make a long story short, podcasting didn't work for me ; I liked it , I tried for a week to subscribe to a Heroes discussion, to an Anime discussion, to a booklist discussion,... It didn't work which is just as well because living in what is called a "dead zone"we only have dial up at home and it wouldn't have worked anyway;Alas,alas!

Likewise my Project Gutenberg blog has dissapeared off the face of the earth too.This ending and new beginning has become hard.


I couldn't get anywhere with the podcasting thing. I tried for a week to connect to a Heroes podcast from ComicCon and to various Anime podcasts but couldn't get through to any of them.
It's just as well because at home we have dial up. Our street is in a "dead zone" so no high speed internet for us. Podcasting seems like a fun and convenient thing and everyone I know who has a connection thinks it's the bees knees and the cats mioux. Is that how you spell miaouu?

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

YouTube choice

I love the Wu Tang Clan!
This song is from their first cd, The 36th Chamber.

Wu-Tang Clan - C.R.E.A.M.

Technorati and tags

Absolutely not interested as of now; I prefer stream of consciousness browsing and I use the internet mostly to read writers blogs, and to find books. I like the nooks and crannies of the internet;they aren't usually tagged nor do they have an rss feed thing.

I also hate the word technorati the way I hate the word impacted used as a verb.
This last statement, of course, is appropos of nothing.

Another thing,16 this time, Wiki's

Wiki's have never been my first choice for information but they are good at times for the extra detail of a web address or book title. I was happy to discover that libraries were using them to share tips on weeding ,etc.;and the Princetons Book Lover wiki was cool.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Thing 19 & Stuff

I am familiar with both Bibliofind and Library Thing. I have bought books thru' the first and cataloged books with the latter. I find them easy to use but haven't used them lately.
How they could be adapted for public library use I can not fathom unless aquisitions is looking to buy archival material or it is decided to catalog materials on Library Thing, just in case...

There is probally a technical aspect to this thing that I don't get,but the Whiz Kids et al will figure it out,and they'll tell me and all will be well.

I'm out!

Monday, August 27, 2007

Thing 15

Technology is cool and wonderful. It helped save my husbands life and my son's ability to regain the use of his legs after spinal cord surgery;but in the long run it is the human heart and hands that are the important things. The library is the same;computers and technocrafts are wonderful inventions but people, good, bad and indifferent are the key. None of the essayists plainly stated that technology needs a human face but I think it does.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


This task didn't hit my spot but it could be useful down the road if and when I decide to really create a website or search engine. My bookmarks are so varied( from Shaolin Gung Fu to Catholic Home Schooling and Bad Rap Bay Area doglovers, a site devoted to Pit Bulls and how wonderful they are etc.,we have two, Bone and his sister Ghost, to Amanda Craig's book review.) that I couldn't decide where to start.
Enough, I'm done.

Delicious and a note about Merlin

I now have a delicious account and several rss feeds attached to it. This might work for me-- it might even be interesting.

It's thru' Merlin that I registered my account;just so you know.

Merlin has lots of helps.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Library Thing

I already have a Library Thing account thanks to my bookseller, Louis, in Ireland.
I'm out!

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Thing 9 Merlin,etc.

I found Merlin helpful in two ways;One, it has calendars from various MD library systems showing the workshops available to attend and I also added my first RSS feed to my Google reader account. This took a bit of time because the first eight or so sites that I have bookmarked have no Feed icon.

I'm still not wowed by technology but Merlin is a great resource for tech help.

Thing 10

The whole avatar generator thing is not interesting to me. Tried it didn't like it but I did like knowing where to go just in case one day ...

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Books and Stuff

I've just finished editing my profile again,the one pertaining to "favorite books". Now I am a dedicated bibliophile and I didn't have enough room to indulge my fancy for booklists of all kinds.
There are the childrens books by Joan Aiken and her adult books,(I own most of them);and the Madlenka books by Peter Sis as well as his "The Golden Key", which are three Czech legends set in Prague, a city of mood and drama where I hope to visit one day. I love the thought of Prague,every allusion to it fascinates me.I have no idea why. There is his non fiction account of his father's trip to Tibet, and his biography of Gallileo. I own these too. Fairytales were my life as a child. I first heard one during storytime in my second grade class;It was Hans Christian Anderson's, "The Little Match Girl". My whole mind was filled with his descriptive prose. I felt the cold and the little girls abandonment.I suffered. I was in awe.That feeling has never left me.The best writers, to my mind,aren't the ones who show you something but the ones who move you to contemplation and a desire for something more. Ralph Mannheims translation of the Grimm's brothers tales are dark and lovely. I've read them over and over.

"The Grannyman" is about an elderly cat who thinks he has nothing left to live for so he lays down to die-or so he thought... Skippyjack Jones is a sassy cat who tells his mother "You're not the boss of me"with you can guess what consequences. The mouse books of Kevin Henkes are a treat and Olivier Dunrea,The Zemachs,Trina Schart Hyman,Lloyd Alexander,Tolkien are all wonderful. I'm not finished but there's no more room,alas!
The list goes ever on and on"...and whither then? I cannot say."

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Natures Crown by Adele Spencer

Finally, a picture on my blog. Sally helped me and Robb helped me.Thank you for your time.

Lose Yourself

Lose Yourself : Another Adele Spencer.



Click on the above word and find a tree that I love. it reminds me of one in my neighborhood that is also standing by itself in a field. The tree in my own yard is of noble proportions and doesn't seem to mind that I've hung bells in it here and there that match it's leaves in color.

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Week 3,thing 7

Don't be put off by the frighteningly boring, pseudo-seussian title of this blog; with all respect to Dr. Seuss. I couldn't think of anything stunning and dramatic for another assignment blog title so week 3 thing 7 it is. I am supposed to "create a blog post about anything technology related"that interests me this week. Nothing really interested me but I was challenged. Most things technical challenge me. I prefer leaves and flowers,and sunlight and rain. The challenge was that setting up my own bloglines newsreader was apparently so easy that it was done by me and promptly forgotten about. This meant that I spent 45 minutes trying to set up my news reader account only to be "told" that I already had an account. I just couldn't understand it!
What the h- was going on? What was the problem? What was my problem? Suddenly that part of my brain that is covered with clouds and fog was lit by a vagrant light and i noticed the word "feeds" in the left hand corner of the bloglines page. I thought click there,and lo and behold there was a list of stuff that I instantly remembered having chosen for my own.
So this is my blog post on technology that I have to end too soon because work calleth and now I'm out.

Friday, June 8, 2007

Flickr Days

I discovered 2 artists today, Adeles in Ireland and Hinoun (?) in Spain. Their photographs hit my wonder spot. I love their work and am going to contact them for permission to post a few of their pictures on my blog that is once I discover how to do it. I also registered my blog yesterday and so think I'm moving right along at a quite fabulous pace.

Yesterday a friend of mine told me that my 2nd posting was boring . I can't help that it was boring. It was an assignment. I had to do it. It was retribution for the great party that I attended at my own house. the party was jammin', it had all the right ingredients; great food ,great drink, great music and great company. Old and young, youth and kiddies,cats and dogs and a big shade tree;although that didn't figure because the heavens poured rain. But no fear, we had a great time anyway,everyone did. As my daughters friend said in a text message from Chicago, I had too much fun. One has to pay for these times with mandatory assignments, onerous demands on ones time, and stuff. It's all good though there'll be another party or festival and my friend will be there with rings on her fingers and bells on her toes because she's that kind of girl. Alas' duty calls and i must venture forth from this self absorbed pastime, blogging,(I'm beginning to adore it) and go to work. And so I'm out!

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Week 1,thing 2 ; 7&1/2 Habits

First, I never did manage to see or listen to the online tutorial; there seems to be a technical glitch of some kind . So I read some other posts and discovered HCPL's very own Library Looney's post about the selfsame tutorial. The difference being that she managed to break through the castle walls and find the transcript and/or the animated tutorial. Anyway, she was also kind enough to list the habits and and so I'm using her list to answer the questions.
The easiest habit for me is to " break out of the box" for learning. I have always been fiercely independent in the the way that I approach learning. I don't like 12 step programs, paths to success, or even 7&1/2 habits... I don't have contempt for those who write thus or who like the style,(my husband loves those kinds of things and has just finished reading Russell Simmons, "Do You!")it's just not the way I like to learn. I learn from books and conversation with all kinds of people both tutored and untutored.
Using technology to my own advantage is the hardest thing for me learn. It is just so easy for me ask one of my sons to rig our computer at home or to set up the new television or to get a friend to burn that cd I like. I'm not afraid of technology but I don't find it that interesting as a thing in itself. In spite of my lack of a vital interest in technology as a thing, I have set myself to learn how to use the various tecnological tools that will be coming my way through the "23 things"

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Test Post

This is my first blog attempt and I want it to be witty and telling but it will not be anything of the kind because it is that trying thing, a first public writing before ones peers. How should I go
on? First, I am a reader. Second,I am a buyer of books; I own thousands and I have to have them. I won't do without them. I sold one library so my husband could go to Law School and then after finishing he decided he didn't want to practice law... oh well the second library is bigger and better than the first and I won't do without it, I cannot; except to feed my children,or feed the poor,or if God required it... I love books and since this is a library blog what could be more appropriate.
I also love perfume almost as much as books but that is another story.