Saturday, June 30, 2007

Week 3,thing 7

Don't be put off by the frighteningly boring, pseudo-seussian title of this blog; with all respect to Dr. Seuss. I couldn't think of anything stunning and dramatic for another assignment blog title so week 3 thing 7 it is. I am supposed to "create a blog post about anything technology related"that interests me this week. Nothing really interested me but I was challenged. Most things technical challenge me. I prefer leaves and flowers,and sunlight and rain. The challenge was that setting up my own bloglines newsreader was apparently so easy that it was done by me and promptly forgotten about. This meant that I spent 45 minutes trying to set up my news reader account only to be "told" that I already had an account. I just couldn't understand it!
What the h- was going on? What was the problem? What was my problem? Suddenly that part of my brain that is covered with clouds and fog was lit by a vagrant light and i noticed the word "feeds" in the left hand corner of the bloglines page. I thought click there,and lo and behold there was a list of stuff that I instantly remembered having chosen for my own.
So this is my blog post on technology that I have to end too soon because work calleth and now I'm out.

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