Monday, August 27, 2007

Thing 15

Technology is cool and wonderful. It helped save my husbands life and my son's ability to regain the use of his legs after spinal cord surgery;but in the long run it is the human heart and hands that are the important things. The library is the same;computers and technocrafts are wonderful inventions but people, good, bad and indifferent are the key. None of the essayists plainly stated that technology needs a human face but I think it does.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


This task didn't hit my spot but it could be useful down the road if and when I decide to really create a website or search engine. My bookmarks are so varied( from Shaolin Gung Fu to Catholic Home Schooling and Bad Rap Bay Area doglovers, a site devoted to Pit Bulls and how wonderful they are etc.,we have two, Bone and his sister Ghost, to Amanda Craig's book review.) that I couldn't decide where to start.
Enough, I'm done.

Delicious and a note about Merlin

I now have a delicious account and several rss feeds attached to it. This might work for me-- it might even be interesting.

It's thru' Merlin that I registered my account;just so you know.

Merlin has lots of helps.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Library Thing

I already have a Library Thing account thanks to my bookseller, Louis, in Ireland.
I'm out!

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Thing 9 Merlin,etc.

I found Merlin helpful in two ways;One, it has calendars from various MD library systems showing the workshops available to attend and I also added my first RSS feed to my Google reader account. This took a bit of time because the first eight or so sites that I have bookmarked have no Feed icon.

I'm still not wowed by technology but Merlin is a great resource for tech help.

Thing 10

The whole avatar generator thing is not interesting to me. Tried it didn't like it but I did like knowing where to go just in case one day ...